Sunday, June 1, 2008

DIY Beauty Dish

Frustrated by the high cost of beauty dishes I began a quest for something cheap but professional. I made a number of trips to the Dollar Tree and the hardware store for reflective gold and silver paint. I created some really nice dish reflectors for my Canon 550 EX flash using plastic mixing bowls, shish kabob sticks and reflective paint. The portraits of my daughter that I took with them looked great. While I was pleased with the results I was not impressed with their appearance. The next step I felt would be to make some beauty dishes for my Alien Bees Studio Lights. Immediately a problem occurred. The modeling lights got too hot and began melting the plastic. Hmmmnnnn. Possible fire danger here! They also didn't look very professional. The solution came to me while browsing at the hardware store. They had stainless steel mixing bowls on sale. Nice big ones too. So I bought two bowls, some 1/8' allthread rod (36"), a steel bit, a steel cutting jigsaw blade (fine cut) and finally some nuts and washers for the allthread rod.
The total cost of the beauty dish was around sixteen dollars. That was the cost of the bowls, some allthread, a saw blade and a drill bit. Compare that to a commercial beauty dish for 400 to 600 dollars and you can see why I go the Cheapo route

God's light and love to all,


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